Calls to Action

Our New Jersey representatives are bought by AIPAC and unconditionally supportive of the state of Israel. They have not done enough to condemn its genocidal intent or end this extermination campaign. A call for a ceasefire is too little too late. Arms embargo NOW.

Call your representatives every day to demand they push for an immediate arms embargo.


My name is [YOUR FIRST & LAST NAME], and I’m a constituent of [SENATOR’S/REP’S NAME]. I’m calling to demand you push for an immediate arms embargo on Israel. As Israel’s biggest funder, the United States has been supplying endless weapons to mass murder Palestinian families. I’m horrified that my government has been using my tax dollars to fund this genocide. Now Israel is bombing Lebanon and launching indiscriminate explosive attacks to spark a bigger regional war. Please take action now. Force Israel to end its aggression by immediately halting all U.S. weapons transfers and military funding, as required by U.S. law. Please also support Sen. Bernie Sanders’s joint resolution of disapproval to stop the $20 billion weapons package to Israel.

Sources: Track AIPAC; U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights

André Carson (IN-07) and Jan Schakowsky (IL-09), introduced H.R. 9649, the UNRWA Funding Emergency Restoration Act of 2024. This bill will end the congressionally and administratively mandated pause on funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNWRA)

UNRWA plays a crucial role in providing vital services to millions of Palestinian refugees across the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria. As we continue to see increased displacement, starvation, and death caused by the genocide in Gaza, it is inhumane to continue to withhold support. For many, the humanitarian aid and services provided by UNRWA are the difference between life and death.  

UNRWA is the single most effective relief agency operating in Gaza today, providing vital life-saving assistance. For Congress to pass such a brutal measure during Israel’s unfolding genocidal campaign in Gaza is unconscionable.  

Take action now to help the Palestinian people and put a stop to the inhumane ban on funding for UNRWA. 

Sources: Arab American Institute; Palestine Poster Project

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